Lao Tzu
Woohoo! We've just been to our first open house. It's so exciting to now be starting the steps to buying our first house, and it feels so weird that we're finally at this stage. We had a chat with a mortgage adviser about 6 - 8 months ago to check we were on track and we weren't going to suddenly realise we had completely the wrong end of the stick, and we're going to talk to another adviser next Tuesday to discuss where we're at now and what we want. I'm SO excited - I am off after this to look at interiors, bathrooms, kitchens... Oh yes :) So the house we looked at was a 2 bed semi detached, we're ideally looking for a 3 bed but the rooms in this property! Fantastic sizes, and a lush kitchen. The kitchen or potential for a big kitchen is going to be a huge selling point for us - at the moment we have one work unit to cook, wash up, and stack plates on, which is less than ideal. I can't wait to have workspace! We've got another property to have a look at tomorrow as well, and are going to try and arrange a few more over the next couple of weeks. The pic on the left is the one we viewed today, the one on the right is the one that we're looking at tomorrow ;D
I've gotten a bit further with my box, but haven't had too much time for beading this week:

I've ventured off in my own direction a little bit, the lid is going to have a lip around the inside to keep it sat on top, and the black sides that would have been hidden will then show - they're so shiny I didn't want to hide them after all. Just a bit more to do, so I will try to get it finished before the end of my blog.
Nicola, I love the new cluster necklace, and thank you for the inspiration - my mum loved hers. My necklace inspired my friend Sylvia to make a dangly necklace too and start branching out from our usual seedy beading:

Me and Jim have cleared out a whole load of accumulated junk from our bedroom today and taken it to my nan's house where we are storing things until we get our own. Not necessarily productive in the long run (I'm a hoarder, and need to have a strict clear-out of everything when we do buy...) but short term it gives us a little bit of storage for other bits that we currently don't have room for. Lovely. All we need now is more kitchen space then... ;)
I was having a look through my beady stash for inspiration on what my next project is going to be, and found a stash of huge turquoise nuggets - must have bought them before I found the seed beads! I've always loved the colour, but have no clue where to begin with these. There are 8 in total and they look to be between 20 - 40mm or so and in varying shapes. Can anyone make use of them, as I doubt I ever will! Shout SUMMER if you can - there's a turquoise cross that I'll throw in as well. ***OPEN ONLY ON BEAD BUDDIES FORUM***

Well, I'm off to drool over interior design for a while, then more work beckons!

Beautiful work!
Ooooh, looking for a house is so exciting, and exhausting. Joe and I must have looked at 10 before we found the opportunity to build our own.
Once you find the right one, you'll know. Good Luck with the mortgage advisor as well.
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