Wednesday, January 5

A good start, and presents!

Woohoo, Beaded Allure and Diane Fitzgerald's Shaped Beadwork arrived today - well, yesterday but I wasn't here so had to collect them this morning. I love my collection of books, there's just so much pretty to look at.

As promised, I have started the netted chain for my lariat, here is my progress so far (slow going... darn size 11's!) The small end piece will be embellished though I haven't decided how yet - I'm sure it will come to me once I spend a few more hours finishing the chain though. What do you think to the colours? I really quite like how it's turned out so far.

I think I'm going to go through my blog roll this evening and weedle out those of you who don't post any more... Sad times I know but it's hard enough to keep up with you all as it is!

Whew, I just closed the tab and hadn't saved this but with some magical clicks managed to reopen it! Woohoo for technology nowadays... Well I think that about sums up for today, still can't show you my secret santa makes, will stop boring you with this update and just post the pictures when I can!

Off to browse new books for pretty things to make **once I have finished this lariat**...***hopefully***


Unknown said...

Oh I did love your Secret Santa that is awesome! Your lariat is coming along nicely I can't wait to see how you embellish it!

Rebecca said...

I love getting new beading books! SOmewhat of an how your lariat's turning out. I haven't done any bead weaving for ages - I must get out my needle and thread and get back to my original love...

Laney said...

that is beautiful, look forward to seeing it finished :O) Laney x

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