I know this is a blog about my beading, but I'm beginning to feel that this is as much a part of it as not. I'm suffering a huge creative block at the moment and, whether it's to do with the lack of creativity or what, I just don't know what is causing me to feel how I do at the moment.
It doesn't really make a lot of sense that I'm feeling this way at the moment, I've just got married to the most amazing man I could ask for, who I love unconditionally; I've had a gorgeous honeymoon, I am settled into my new job, and I'm being treated to a weekend away in just a few weeks time for my birthday. Oh, and I have found the Car. My life is pretty darn good at the moment. I just wish I knew why I am feeling this withdrawn from it all.
I was going to do a lot tonight whilst DB was at darts but instead what have I done? I've sorted out a single load of washing, watched Ugly Betty on 4OD and eaten spaghetti. Perhaps it's the change of the season, as Winter draws in and it gets darker earlier and earlier. It might be because despite having found 'the car', it now means I have to part with my friend Milly the Clio who I will miss, as much as I shout at her sometimes. But missing a car? It just sounds ridiculous. I just can't escape the fact that there's something that's just eating away at me at the moment and I'd really quite like to just be cheerful again.
Sorry for the pointless rambling post guys, way off topic I know, just had to get this out into words somewhere...
Happy crafting to you all, and fingers crossed I'll be back on it again soon too
1 comment:
Maybe its just a let down from all that has happened lately or the weather. But....if you have felt this way before or go through it again you should really talk to your doctor.
Hey I am glad I found your blog! Nice work!
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